
Our Culture

Founded in 2009, we are an Argentine software company dedicated to creating a workplace that prioritizes happiness. Our core values are respect, trust, and a commitment to quality, which drives our culture of collaboration and transparency. Rejecting traditional hierarchical models, we operate with a flat organizational structure, placing the highest value on our people.

Our approach is built on three fundamental pillars:

Organizational Structure

With horizontal structure we mean that there is no one over anyone; Everyone has a voice and can give their views on different day-to-day issues.

The structure is divided into 3 circles:

Decision Making

It sounds crazy to think that nobody tells what to do to anyone, but it is the extreme trust that leads us to be responsible and pull from the same side of the rope. However, we don't always think all the same and we tend to debate a lot about every decision we make. The important thing is that every decision is taken by consent, that is, it is sought that there is no one with concerns or against what is being proposed. This is different from consensus, where everyone is in agreement, or voting, where there may be people who just don't agree with the proposal.

Drawing showing 9 people, sitting in a circle, drinking mate and discussing ideas

There are several groups and times when the different topics are addressed:


The recurring question of skeptics is "Does this system scale?", and it is something that we ask ourselves each time a new pine joins the team. We started with 4 people, and we kept changing and evolving to be able to maintain the same culture all along the way.

Our experience tells us that the keys to sustainable growth are organic expansion, the ability to cope with uncertainty collaboratively and adapting without losing values.

Drawing of a person cultivating their knowledge and experience, represented as a seed, which grows, as if it turned into an adult pine tree. At the same time, a new seed comes off that tree, and is planted by another person.

In relation to our quality pillars, growth is protected by:

Recruitment Process

It consists of 3 interviews where we get to know and evaluate the person.

Drawing of 5 people chatting

In the first interview we are interested in meeting the candidate both professionally and humanly. They are also told about the company and our way of organizing, since we are interested in making sure that the person loves the idea of working together as much as we do.
After this initial talk, the candidate is asked to solve a technical exercise according to their seniority. We like them to do the exercise in their homes and without time limits, so they can show what they really know and how they work.

In the second interview the candidate talks about the developing process of their exercise, explaining the decisions they made.

If everything goes according to plan, the third step is a group interview, where as many pines as possible attend. It is a more relaxed interview, where the idea is to get to know the person we are going to work with and vice versa.

After the 3 interviews, we decide whether we want the candidate to join team, looking for everyone involved to agree with the decision.

Pine path

The idea is that each pine has one or more mentors with greater seniority, both in skills and in the company. Together, they define their short and long term objectives to be able to develop professionally, aiming to meet the needs of the person and the company. In addition, this process is useful for salary reviews, discussed below. Based on the objectives achieved, the pine can choose whether or not to propose for a rate increase, associated with personal performance.

Drawing of a person, reflecting and meditating, drawn as if they were inside a tree

Open-book Management

If we want people to be able to make informed strategic decisions and work autonomously, they need to have access to the numbers behind 10Pines. This is why all Roots have access to:

Company numbers

How much are customers charged? How much do we pay for rent? What margin do the projects have? All roots can answer these questions and more.
This information is accessible at all times, and each month at our roots meeting we closely monitor its evolution so that everyone takes it into account in their day to day.


From the beginning we wanted to create a healthy environment, where knowing how much someone else earns is not a taboo subject. If salaries are defined fairly and without surprises, there is no need to hide this information.

There are two types of salary increases: by inflation and by growth. The inflationary adjustment takes place at least twice a year and is the same for everyone.
On the other hand, there are 3 growth increase revisions per year, where a group of stakeholders meets to review the salary scale. The group is formed by roots and they switch from meeting to meeting, always trying to include at least one member of each team to have references from their peers.
With the evaluation that each pine has done with their mentor as a starting point, we analyze if the salary is representative of their responsibilities. If a scale adjustment is necessary, an increase is proposed.
This proposal is sent to the Roots group for approval. Until all objections are resolved, it is not released.

Profit sharing

At the end of each fiscal year, we divide a percentage of the company's profit among all the pines.
Over the years we have been developing and iterating together a formula to define how we divide this profit, taking into account factors such as dedication, seniority and the experience of each one.
We believe that this is one of the best ways to foster responsibility and the sense of belonging, where each pine is committed to the management and growth of the company knowing that this has a corresponding reward.

Pine Profile

We are curious by nature; we seek to learn from everything we do, especially the challenges. As a consequence, we are constantly growing and trying to transmit everything learned to the rest of the pines.
With a questioning and proactive personality, we seek to achieve our objectives in the best possible way.
We are very interested in keeping up to date, so we invest time in researching new technologies, attending conferences and meetings of the kind. We also like to spread what we learn, thus many pines are teachers in universities (and many others were their students!) or in the courses we teach.

Drawing of 4 people, gathered around a young tree, looking at it, studying it and encouraging it to grow


At 10Pines, we value diversity as a cornerstone of our culture. We believe diversity offers a range of perspectives and helps us address and be mindful of critical issues, including the glass ceiling, gender pay disparities, and various forms of discrimination and harassment.

Our diversity initiatives

To enhance diversity at 10Pines, we established a dedicated diversity committee. Recognizing our initial lack of expertise in diversity and gender issues, we sought guidance from specialized experts. This collaboration helped us shape effective policies and initiatives. Below are key examples of the committee's work:

Gender equity and inclusion guidelines

The committee developed a protocol to foster a respectful communication environment at 10Pines. They also established a code of conduct and a reporting procedure for inappropriate behavior, providing a safe platform for incident reporting.

Promote diversity hiring

Advancing diversity is a key goal at 10Pines. We continually recruit to enhance inclusion, such as actively seeking female programmers.

Software for social impact

We undertake projects that leverage technology for social good. For instance, we collaborated with a visually impaired individual to enhance software accessibility, developed a web game to educate young children on anti-racism, and a platform that assists people from vulnerable populations in finding vaccination, sexual and reproductive health services, among other initiatives.

Evaluating diversity perceptions

We enhanced our internal climate survey with a new section on diversity to understand how inclusive we feel and gather insights. This feedback helps to identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring that our company continues to be a place where everyone feels valued and included.

Internal workshops

With the help of external consultants, we conducted workshops to educate our team members about equity, biases and everyday sexism.

How we work

Our culture is strongly linked with agile methodologies. We work iteratively and incrementally in order to provide, as quickly as possible, valuable and quality software. This methodology allows continuous feedback and changes in the product while it is being built.

Drawing depicting the difference between iterative-incremental and traditional processes

In the picture, we see the difference between the iterative and incremental process and the traditional one. In both cases, the intention is to build a car, but the traditional process begins with the wheels, then the car body, and lastly the final details. It is shown that the client is not satisfied until the last step, since it is only at that moment that they receive a working product. In the iterative and incremental process, on the other hand, development starts with a skateboard, then a scooter, a motorcycle and finally the car. The client's happiness goes up as the product is iterated, because in each step, the skateboard, the scooter and the motorcycle are working products that can be improved along the way.

Image illustrated originally by Henrik Kniberg

We work together with the client and take care of the development completely, coordinating with the business experts to capture the vision of the product and thus achieve the best possible result.
We form teams of pines that combine the skills and experience required; if the client has its own development team, we merge to maintain the same vision. In addition to adding value to their projects, we always aim to improve the quality of their processes.

Communication between teams

Every Friday we make a meeting between all teams, such as the daily standup with each client. The idea is to tell what we were doing during the week, the challenges, good and fun things. Many times, the standup allows new conversations about the new technologies learned, or even some knowledge can be valuable for other teams that are working on something similar.
In addition, internal issues are communicated, such as income from new pines, new training courses and administrative announcements.

No clients Friday

It is a space dedicated to research, talks or any activity that does not involve working for a client. For example, if a person or group of people wants to investigate a new technology, they can agree and put together a project.

In the same way, if someone has a talk they can propose it in this space with the intention that all interested pines attend.

We take half a day every Friday, or a full Friday every two weeks. This fosters the relationship between coworkers, since the groups formed include pines that don't usually work daily on the same project.

Drawing of people building a giant paper tree

Flexible schedule

As many of us are students, teachers or parents, the possibility of home office is available any day of the week. Each organizes their schedules inside and outside the office to their liking, agreeing with their teammates.
We like to always work in a relaxed and motivating environment. That is why the sense of responsibility is extremely important.

Each pine has an assigned dedication, which is the daily average number of hours they commit to work. Anyway, if one day someone cannot meet the agreed amount of hours, they can compensate at another time if they wish, since we have an hourly rate that makes our salary variable.
The hours and tasks performed daily are written down by each person, without any control, in an application that we use for management. At the end of the month, each person's salary is equivalent to the hours they charged.


Once a year, we take a day to work on the management and objectives of the company. We check improvement areas, through retrospectives and other activities, working in different groups where ideas and proposals arise to achieve in the short and long term.
This activity not only serves to plan and improve on the management of the company, but it is also an excuse to work together with a common purpose, unlike the daily work that occurs between people of particular teams.

"Many small people
in small places, doing small things,
they can change the world."

Photo of 10Pines team, all gathered during a retreat